The past few weeks have been extremely busy. I have had homeschool lessons to teach, small groups to lead, dinner to cook, business planning, birthdays to plan…and the list goes on. Emotionally I also have a lot going on because the anniversary of my brothers death is approaching and on Monday my little 14 year old sister has a 7 hour spinal surgery. My mind has been on go mode almost everyday!
When I first started homeschooling I used to struggle with busy weeks/months where I didn’t spend as much time as I thought I should on “formal” lessons; Wondering if I was short changing my children with their education. But over time I realized that one of the perks of homeschooling is that learning is everywhere. We have had some of our best lessons and discussions in the car, or outside while they play and even in the store. I use every opportunity to teach everyday math, science and even life skills. Today, while I was extremely busy the boys were making their own chapter books. Mind you if I had initiated this as a formal writing lesson I would have received push back. But they showed me once again the beauty of child-led learning. Without any fuss my boys spent most of their day, reading, writing and building legos! Leaving me to focus on all of my many tasks. They also accompanied me several stores. The store provides a great location for everyday math and life lessons. I no longer stress over all the “formal” when the informal is so much more fun and engaging. It’s real life! Some days we also utilize the library programs and co-ops to supplement on busy weeks. It’s all about perspective and having an open mind.
When I provide them with a variety of fun learning resources, crafts and supplies they do the work. When I relax and focus on what I need, the kids engage themselves and are learning more than I could have ever taught them because they are enjoying their process!
This week I have had to prepare, plan, cook and shop for my oldest sons 8th birthday party Saturday. All this on top of my normal day to day. What has helped me stay on top of all my responsibilities has been to make a daily to do list with times slots included. I also use a teacher planning book from the dollar store to lay out daily lessons and fill in what we learned throughout the week. This schedule keeps me on track and focused, even with distractions and interruptions.
In life we must learn to sometimes go with the flow, give ourselves grace and resume our normal day to day when you can. Life is not always black and white or cut and dry. There is always a season or time period where life is grey, busy and even chaotic at times. That doesn’t mean that we can’t homeschool or even manage anything else we have going on. And on those crazy weeks, self-care is important; a necessity!
Remember on the busy days sometimes the best managing is to step back, set a schedule and get done what you can. We are not superwoman/man!