I Survived 2020

2020. A YEAR. FOR. THE. BOOKS!!! Filled with highs, lows, death, life, self-realization, creativity, rest, productivity, family, anxiety, depression, joy, expectation…The list goes on! Months have passed since I’ve posted, but I could think of no other way to say goodbye to 2020 than a compilation post. I polled friends and family with the question…


I had planned to write about something totally different. Something more homeschool related,  but some days you just have to go with the flow. So, last night or should I say early this morning, I had one of the most impactful dreams I have ever had. Well, let me just say to start, I don’t…

Ready, Set…Jump!

In April of last year my brother was killed. One moment, one act took him from me. With him, went my drive, my energy and my desire to focus much on my business. I stopped dancing, I stopped everything. While I NEEDED that time to grieve and mourn, eventually this space became my comfort zone, my…