I Am Who I Am.

The last few days I have been reflecting on my life, my journey and growth. I am in awe at where God has brought me from and the work I have put into being a healthy and whole woman. By no means am I perfect or have I arrived, but one thing is for sure…

Morning Power-Ups:Starting the Day off Right

   One of the reasons we wanted to homeschool was because we felt a strong need to teach our children how to fully and completely walk in confidence and love of themselves and who God created them to be. It takes time, consistency and a firm foundation to walk in confidence and self love in…

Bathroom Moments

The bathroom. The place where we go to release all the toxins and waste from our bodies. The area no one likes to clean, where we shower/bathe and where boys and men alike just can’t seem to aim. The bathroom only used to serve these purposes for me, until I became a mother. And especially…


Do you ever take a quick break to check Facebook or Instagram only to look up 30 mins later and realize that you were aimlessly scrolling. 30+ minutes of a day wasted on nothingness! Or do you grab your phone or electronic device to go to the bathroom? When at a restaurant, or even on…


I had planned to write about something totally different. Something more homeschool related,  but some days you just have to go with the flow. So, last night or should I say early this morning, I had one of the most impactful dreams I have ever had. Well, let me just say to start, I don’t…

How do I Manage? 

   Most days I work sun up to sun down. Teaching, disciplining, planning, cooking, managing, encouraging, praying…and the list goes on!  I love what I do! It strengthens and empowers me to serve and be here for my family. I love being in control of my family schedule and having the freedom to run our…

Ready, Set…Jump!

In April of last year my brother was killed. One moment, one act took him from me. With him, went my drive, my energy and my desire to focus much on my business. I stopped dancing, I stopped everything. While I NEEDED that time to grieve and mourn, eventually this space became my comfort zone, my…